Activist meeting: New Economy for New Municipalism (Spain)
Category: Alternative Economy & Democratic Innovation
Community Members: Global Hub for the Common Good
Type of grant: Rethink [ 5.000 € ]
Year: 2017
1. Who they are
The Global Hub for the Common Good is a non for profit organization set up in 2009 to promote collaboration among activists, movements and organizations that work for the transition toward a new economy. The Global Hub Foundation has a large network with more than 60 experts and volunteers who work together to deliver the different projects developed by the Foundation. In 2017, Global Hub organized the NESI Forum “New Economy and Social Innovation” which was attended by 700 people from 43 countries.
2. What they did
A three-day meeting was held in Madrid with some 20 representatives of different organizations which wanted to shed a light on the common grounds of different local new economy proposals from different movements as well as on how to implement them for Municipalist groups.
The meeting resulted in, among others:
- A strategy regarding collaboration among the different movements.
- A consensus about common values is shared by the different movements of new economies.
- A narrative about what a new economy means for cities, citizens and new municipalism. Key messages were developed to be launched to the public and other private actors.
Some next steps were defined and a timeline for each of them :
- To Draw up a guide “New economy for new municipalism”.
- To Promote the guide “New economy for new municipalism” among citizens and politicians to push up the transition at the local level.
- Create a Network of cities and territories for a New Economy.
- Organize a forum for cities and territories working on or willing to move towards a New Economy (before the Spanish Local elections in 2019).